LA Metro Chamber of Commerce Annual Award Nominations LA Metro Chamber of Commerce Annual Award Nomination Form Contact InformationPlease provide the best contact information for you and your nominee to help us verify acceptance and collect additional information. Your Name(Required) First Last Your Email Address(Required) Your Phone NumberYour EmployerFull Name of Nominee(Required) First Last Nominee's Email Address(Required) Nominee's Phone NumberNominee's Employer(Required)Nominee's Job TitleNomination CategoryYou may select one award category for your nomination. Occasionally, we will choose to recognize your nominee in a different category. For each selected category, please also fill in the related information below.THERESA SAMSON WOMEN’S BUSINESS LEADERSHIP AWARDThe Theresa Samson Women’s Business Leadership Award honors a successful female-identifying business owner or primary manager for her business success, career achievements, and contributions to the community. Businesses led by women are and will continue to have a noticeable impact on the economy. This annual award helps inspire the continued growth of women leading businesses in our community. RAY GEIGER CHAMBER CHAMPION AWARD The Ray Geiger Award is the highest honor given to a member by the Lewiston Auburn Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, The Chamber’s most prestigious award is given to an individual who has proven to be a champion of and for the LA Metro Chamber. The award is presented to an individual who has invested a great deal of time, energy, and resources into furthering the LA Metro Chamber’s mission and working toward bettering our communities. KEN ADDITON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CHAMPION A business, agency, organization, community or non-profit corporation whose work or investments have positively contributed to the economic health of the region. LEADING THROUGH CHANGE AWARD A member whose leadership excelled at navigating change, who displayed adaptive qualities and acted nimbly to respond to the needs of their team, business, and/or community, and who led with both confidence and vulnerability. HEART OF THE COMMUNITY AWARD The Heart of the Community Award honors an outstanding individual that gives their passion, time and expertise to their community and enhances the quality of life; so that the region is a better place to live, work and play. The recipient is an inspiration to our community and does not need to be a member or employed by a member to be recognized. Note: To be competitive, the nominee must be nominated for volunteer activities or efforts completed outside of their paid employment. (Required) THERESA SAMSON WOMEN’S BUSINESS LEADERSHIP AWARD RAY GEIGER CHAMBER CHAMPION AWARD KEN ADDITON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CHAMPION LEADING THROUGH CHANGE AWARD HEART OF THE COMMUNITY AWARD THERESA SAMSON WOMEN’S BUSINESS LEADERSHIP AWARDThe Theresa Samson Women’s Business Leadership Award honors a successful female-identifying business owner or primary manager for her business success, career achievements, and contributions to the community. Businesses led by women are and will continue to have a noticeable impact on the economy. This annual award helps inspire the continued growth of women leading businesses in our community. Describe specific examples of the nominee's business success and achievements. How has she demonstrated excellence in her industry?Highlight key milestones and achievements in the nominee's career that have contributed to her success as a business leader.How has the nominee positively impacted the local community through her business leadership? Provide examples of any community involvement or initiatives.What leadership qualities does the nominee possess that have been instrumental in her success as a business leader?Explain how the nominee's business has made a noticeable impact on the local or regional economy.Is there anything you else you would like us to consider?RAY GEIGER CHAMBER CHAMPION AWARDThe Ray Geiger Award is the highest honor given to a member by the Lewiston Auburn Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, The Chamber’s most prestigious award is given to an individual who has proven to be a champion of and for the LA Metro Chamber. The award is presented to an individual who has invested a great deal of time, energy, and resources into furthering the LA Metro Chamber’s mission and working toward bettering our communities. How has the nominee actively contributed to furthering the mission of the LA Metro Chamber?Provide specific examples of how the nominee has invested time, energy, and resources into supporting the Chamber, its initiatives, and its members.Describe the impact of the nominee's efforts on the communities of Androscoggin County.Highlight instances where the nominee has fostered collaborations or partnerships that have strengthened the Chamber's impact and/or mission.Is there anything you else you would like us to consider?KEN ADDITON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CHAMPIONA business, agency, organization, community or non-profit corporation whose work or investments have positively contributed to the economic health of the region. This might be advocating for businesses, creating jobs, spurring development, or attracting people to the region. How has the nominee's work or investments contributed to the economic health of the region?Provide details about specific initiatives, projects, or programs the nominee has undertaken to promote economic development or an improved economy in Androscoggin County.Please describe any impact the nominee has had on creating jobs and employment opportunities within the region.Please describe any impact the nominee has had on attracting people to the region, or promoting the region.Provide any data or metrics that demonstrate the measurable impact of the nominee's contributions to the economic health of the region.Is there anything you else you would like us to consider?LEADING THROUGH CHANGE AWARDA member whose leadership excelled at navigating change, who displayed adaptive qualities and acted nimbly to respond to the needs of their team, business, and/or community, and who led with both confidence and vulnerability. Provide specific examples of how the nominee demonstrated exceptional leadership in navigating change or unforeseen circumstances.Describe the nominee's leadership qualities that were crucial in their efforts or response.How did the nominee balance both confidence and vulnerability in their leadership style during times of change?Explain how the nominee supported and engaged their team during times of change, with examples of initiatives or strategies they used.Describe how the nominee communicated changes and updates to their team, stakeholders, and the broader community.Is there anything you else you would like us to consider?HEART OF THE COMMUNITY AWARDThe Heart of the Community Award honors an outstanding individual who gives their passion, time, and expertise to their community and enhances the quality of life; so that the region is a better place to live, work, and play. The recipient is an inspiration to our community and does not need to be a member or employed by a member to be recognized. Note: To be competitive, the nominee must be nominated for volunteer activities or efforts completed outside of their paid employment. What community or communities have seen your nominees volunteer impact and efforts?Describe the nominee's passion for the community, and how they have impacted or inspired others.Discuss specific activities, efforts, or contributions in which the nominee has enhanced the quality of life in the region.Share examples of how our region is a better place to live, work, and play from the nominee’s volunteer efforts.Is there anything you else you would like us to consider? Δ