The Chamber Foundation values the role we have in supporting learners across the county and views the awarding of scholarships as one key contribution to supporting a workforce for businesses in the region. We are proud to introduce a common application that makes it easy for your employees, adult learners, and graduating seniors to apply for financial support to further their learning and professional development.
Continuing your education after high school, seeking certifications and training to further your chosen career, or jumping into a new career pathway takes courage and hard work. Finances shouldn’t be the biggest factor in your decisions. The LA Metro Chamber is proud to offer three different scholarships for learners listed below, and invite you to apply today or recommend an individual deserving of some financial assistance for their learning.
Chamber Member Employee Scholarship
One award of $1,000
- Be employed at least part time by an LA Metro Chamber member in good standing
- At least 18 years old
- Have not graduated from a traditional high school program in the last 12 months
High School Senior Scholarship
One award of $500 per high school
- Be a graduating senior at a high school in Androscoggin County; planning to attend a local institution of higher learning
- Be recommended by your high school guidance counselor, teacher, or principal.
College for ME – Androscoggin Scholarship
A minimum of one award per recipient of $500 per semester- or the cost of the class in Androscoggin County
- Have previously earned a high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma
- Have been out of high school (or equivalent program), or a college program for more than a year.
The Scholarship Application Deadline is April 15, 2021. For a successful submission, we will need the Scholarship Application, a Letter of Recommendation (submitted by recommender), and a Completed Personal Statement of no more than 350 words.